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3 mars 2009 2 03 /03 /mars /2009 18:09

Enfant :

"Tu ne devineras jamais ce que j’ai vu en rentrant de l’école ! Ils ont vendu « Les longs Cyprès » !"


La femme semble troublée


Enfant :

"Je te promets que c’est vrai… Il y a un camion et plein de meubles devant. Ça m’a fait bizarre…"

La femme cesse d’étendre le linge et s’avance vers lui


"…c’est la première fois depuis que je suis né que je vois les volets ouverts…"


La femme semble songeuse et détourne le regard

"Qu’est ce que tu as ? C’est à cause de la maison ? Pourquoi personne ne veut jamais en parler ? Il s’est passé quelque chose ? Raconte-moi !"


Crédit photo: Séverine Desmarest


You’ll never guess what I saw on the way back from school! They’ve sold “The Long Cypresses”!


The woman seems distressed



I swear it’s true…There’s a moving van and plenty of furniture at the front. Seemed strange…


The woman stops her jam spreading and sits down…The child, with his back to the audience, goes on…


It’s the first time since I was born I see the shutters open…


The child turns around and approaches the table…



What’s the matter with you? Is it because of the house? Why does no-one ever talk about it? Does something happen? Tell me!

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3 février 2009 2 03 /02 /février /2009 14:39

Ecole élémentaire :

1-Magali ZHANG, Ecole Mathis, Paris

2-David SIVE, Ecole Mathis, Paris

3-Ness FERGE, Ecole Mathis, Paris


Collège :

1-Noémie Camps Collège Pierre Roux, Château Landon

2-Mickael MOUA, Collège Jean Lurçat, Ris-Orangis

3-Claire BAUNEL, Collège Jean Lurçat, Ris-Orangis


Lycée :

1-Zahira YABDAYOUI , Lycée Etienne Dolet, Paris

2- Lycée Etienne Dolet, Paris

3-Monia HAMDAOUI, Lycée Etienne Dolet, Paris


Hongrie :


2-Rozsas Magdolna KATINKA

3-Anita NAGEL



1-Gabriele Sanna, Luca Fracassa, Michele Carta,
Alessandro Rossi, Carla Aroffo, Giada Rais

2-Irene ATZENI

3-Federica MASCIA



1-Farahnaz SAFI

2-Sanne ZWART

3-Fabian BOLDING


Prix européen :

Farahnaz SAFI, Pays-Bas


Prix Gerard Mortier :

Sabine PARMENTIER, Collège Jean Lurçat, Ris-Orangis


Prix du public :

1-Anita NAGEL (Hongrie)

2-Laurent Matignon, Collège Pierre Roux, Château Landon (France)

3-Noemi KAINRATH (Hongrie)


Prix "Dix mois d'Ecole et d'Opéra":

1- Aisseta Ba Collège J. Lurçat, 6°3,Ris-Orangis

2-Imène Yabka Collège R. Doisneau, 4°1, Paris


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25 décembre 2008 4 25 /12 /décembre /2008 18:27

"Mathis en coulisse"
photo: Yves Maguet

"Malices en coulisses"
photo: Yves Maguet
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22 décembre 2008 1 22 /12 /décembre /2008 14:36
photo: Séverine Desmarest

When you arrived in the Opera on Sunday, we did a warm-up and then we went to the hair dresser and make-up room
I became more and more nervous because I'm the one who have to open the show...It's a great honour!
The nicest thing for me is to play the Raphael's death
It's great and inspiring to play in front of 600 people
At the end the audience was very excited, some people shouted and whistled,
altough they shouldn't do in the Opera
The applause was tremendous and I felt like alive again
At this moment, I get the feeling, I was very important
This feeling was growing, I felt like a king!
When we went back to the hotel some people recognized us in the street, I was very surprised...
Back in Holland I will give ma signature to everybody!

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17 décembre 2008 3 17 /12 /décembre /2008 18:52

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16 décembre 2008 2 16 /12 /décembre /2008 20:12

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15 décembre 2008 1 15 /12 /décembre /2008 23:19

Les jeunes "De Vérone ou d'ailleurs..." profitent de cette journée de relâche pour aller visiter la capitale!
L'année européenne du dialogue interculturel 2008 n'est pas loin de leurs pensées car la tour Eiffel est parée d'étoiles aux couleurs du drapeau européen

Cette visite dans ce monument, symbole de la ville lumière, se poursuit par un tour qui leur permet de découvrir et d'apercevoir les champs Elysées, le Palais Garnier, la Cathédrale Notre Dame, le musée du Louvre
A cette occasion les jeunes hollandais, hongrois, francais et italiens remercient tout particulièrement la mairie de Paris et la RATP pour leur permettre de découvrir Paris

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14 décembre 2008 7 14 /12 /décembre /2008 17:02
Last Monday at ten past one we walked to the Opera Bastille to practice for the first time dance and singing
We were together with all the countries. We did some songs together and all the countries were mixed
The sopranos were seperated from the others voices
Didier was the conductor as usual
I liket it very much to meet the kids from France, Hungary and Italy...At 4.30 p.m we stopped!
Until now we were at the sixth floor downstairs and before we left we have a look in the Opera Bastille at the second floor to watch the main stage. It looks beautiful and I made some pictures
At 7.15 p.m we have been invited in the Opera Bastille for 3 ballets from Maurice Béjart, it was dress rehearsal for the show "Tribute to Maurice Béjart"
We had places close to the stage and the Orchestra
The three ballets were fantastic. I recognized some movements and I tried to learn something from the expressions on the faces dancers...

When it finished, we had some fun together and went to the bed...it was a wonderful day!

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13 décembre 2008 6 13 /12 /décembre /2008 19:02
La lumière s'invite en répétition
et habille les corps des jeunes "De Vérone ou d'ailleurs..."
tous différents

"L'espoir est un devoir du sentiment", maxime de Fernando Pessoa
 devise de la saison 2008-2009 à l'Opéra national de Paris
sous la direction de Gerard Mortier

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12 décembre 2008 5 12 /12 /décembre /2008 11:57

December 7-én indultunk el kísérőinkkel a Ferihegyi reptérről

Mit tagadjuk volt egy kis sírás amikor megöleltük a minket kikisérő szüleinket, barátainkat…
De aztán…

Már a repülés is nagyon nagy élmény volt sokunknak, akik még soha nem repültek, nagy sikítással köszöntöttük a felszálló repülőgépet
Párizsban a reptéren már vártak minket. Laurent és Dominique hozta elénk a buszt, amivel minket is és az olasz gyerekeket is a szálláshelyünkre szállítottak

A MIJE-ben (fiatalok hostelje Párizs központjában) megismerkedhettünk az előadás holland résztvevőivel is és elfoglalhattuk a szobáinkat

Az első délután szabad!!!- Egy kis városnézés, ismerkedés éppen belefért…

Hétfőtől komoly munka kezdődik, délelőtt, délután próba, és így estére jól elfáradunk, nehéz dolog a színész életJ

Elmondhatjuk magunkról, hogy sétáltunk már a Champs Elysées en, jövő héten megyünk az Eiffel-toronyhoz, ellátogatunk a Louvre-ba és megnézünk még más párizsi látványosságot is

A szálláshelyünkön ismerkedünk az olasz, holland gyerekekkel, beszélgetünk, barátkozunk egymással – vannak közöttük kicsik, nagyok, mindenki valaki más miatt érdekes

A „Veronából vagy máshonnan” c. előadás főpróbája 18-án lesz, a premier 19-én, utána pedig még két előadás játsszunk december 20 és 21-én

Nagyon várjuk már a premiert, de addig még sok munka és még több élmény vár ránk itt Párizsban!!!!

We are here in Paris at last!

We left Budapest from Ferihegy airport with our teachers on December 7th in the morning

We will not deny that we were crying a little when giving the last hug to our parents and friends before getting on plane

But after that…

Flying by plane was a fever of excitment to many of us who were travelling by plane for the first time! We all greeted the taking off with a big scream…hurrahhh!!!

Laurent and Dominique our French friends were already waiting for us at the airport to take us to MIJE (hostel for young people) where we would be straying for the next 16 days

In the MIJE we could meet the children from the Netherlands and Italy who would also be on stage with us in the perfromance „From Verone or elsewhere…”

The first evening in Paris was free for all of us so we could go for a short walk in the city to get to know the city a little

From Monday we will have to work hard, we will have rehearsals in the morning and also in the aftternoon! We will be a bit tired at the end of the day – life of an actor is soooo difficult

We have already walked along Champs-Elysées and we are visiting the Louvre and the Eiffel tower and many more monuments of Paris next week

In the MIJE we talk a lot to our new friends from Italy and The Netherlands – there are little ones from Italy, older ones from Holland – they are all interesting to us because of being different.

The dress rehearsal of „From Verone or elsewhere” will be December 18th, the first night is 19th, and we will have two more performances on 20th, 21st.

We are so excited about the first night of the performance. Until december 19th we have tons of work to do on the stage to make the best of our ourselves however also nice moments and memories of working together and of Paris are ahead of us

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